Monday, August 27, 2012

Calculations of loving it or hating it

A gimballed stove similar to the stove on Sunrise,
without the olives and beans of course.
Oh, and I forgot to tell you about the beans and olives.  Remember how I said we would make tacos out of smashed canned beans, olives, tomatoes and Nacho Doritos?  I was preparing this for dinner on the broken whisker pole day and had the smashed beans and olives sitting on the gimballed stove,  the only stable area on the boat, when we were hit broadside by a big wave and the beans and olives went flying off the back of the stove onto the items we store behind.  The cleanup required disassembling the stove top and fishing out everything stored behind and leaning over to try and reach every smashed bean and rolly olive.  Careful calculation will lead you to the conclusion that there must be an awful lot of good times and fantastic beauty to outweigh all the grief and work and danger involved in sailing a boat.  And there is.

1 comment:

  1. "....And there is."

    For sure there is, Ms. Tuamoto Sandpiper and Atoll Fruit Dove. :) Why couldn't I have been as enthusiastic about birding when we went through as I am now?!! I'm jealous.
