Saturday, June 9, 2012

June 8, friends!

Fatu Hiva with its Bay of Penises
We thought we were alone here in our little cove but yesterday afternoon, voila, we saw un cheval on the crest of the hill and heard a rooster in the far distance.  Pardon my French! I don't have a French dictionary - how dumb is that?  Anyway, I learn the words on a CD but don't have a way to look them up.
Today was  laundry day.  Got everything all hung up on the clothes lines and were almost dry when - you know what's coming, don't you!  Rain.  The 2nd real rain we've seen in more than a month.

It's just too weird to have crossed an ocean all by ourselves, to have come to an extremely remote island in the middle of nowhere and end up next door neighbors to the person who introduced Barry and me back in 1963.

Tomorrow we leave here for the spectacular Fatu Hiva with its Bay of Penises. It is SE of  us and the wind is from the SE so not good.  Tomorrow early there should be very little wind so we'll have to motor but at least not get beat up getting there.  Just before sundown we saw the spires of the 50 mile away island of Ua Pou sticking straight up out of the water, - an amazing sight.  Tonight we also saw the lights of lobster fishermen on the shore.  We were sitting in our cockpit with Marilyn and Sam drinking the bottle of water(!) that they brought over, chatting and enjoying macadamia nuts, when the spires became visible for the first time since our arrival, the weather being just right.  After sundown, we all marveled at the Southern Cross and the Big Dipper at opposite ends of the star strewn sky. Polaris is no longer visible. A few days after Fatu Hiva, when the winds return to normal, we'll sail north to Ua Pou and Nuku Hiva.

We've had our rain now, thank you, so the next thing on our list is gazole which is French for gas oil which I think is imperial for diesel.

Position :  9 54.88' S, 139 06.56' W

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