Monday, May 7, 2012

Days One and Two

Getting an early start
Day One:  0615 cast off, shoved off and sent off with many well wishes by a band of angels - Ridgecrest friends, Leo & Angie Girardot, and Gene & Patti Stoddard of Swell Dish, neighbors down the dock. Many photos were taken of our departure some of which will be included. 
SvSunrise departing at sunrise

Outside the harbor, the usual flotilla of Common Dolphins accompanied Sunrise as she departed.  Flat and calm, clear, then sunny.  The little wind we had was fluky ( I have no idea what this means).  Motor-sailed South heading for the SE corner of San Nicholas.
: lunch/tea goodies supplied by Patti & Gene (the marina neighbors/friends) - almond tea, chocolate, ginger chews, berries. Life is good. 
: The person on our boat with the testosterone poisoning (Barry) didn't like puttering along using the engine off so we went to the outer waters. He neglected to take enough Zofran which meant he ended up seasick. After the wimpy wife yells Reef Reef, the boat flattens out, straightens up & sails smoothly. The wind is now strong, steady and oh so quiet. We changed course around the SE corner of San Nicholas Island so that our course is now SSW. The solar panels are working well but there are issues with the connection of the tow generator & alternator.  Barry is in the lazaret. 

Saturday night we crossed what would be the Mexican border if you extended the line way out into the Pacific.  We were shadowed by what we now think was Homeland Security. We are guessing at exactly 5 mi away from Sunrise for 2 hours, never saying a word. I was on watch and I said, “Barry! Wake Up!! We need that pirate button after all, call the Coast Guard, get out the spear gun but!  Barry said, “No worries, unless they make a move.”
Day 2: Flying like last time. Sunrise is such a great boat, Barry is such a good sailor & has himself an outstanding First Mate/admiral (my mom).
Sunday night is beautiful with a full moon peeking through many beautiful clouds. Listening to Christian Edition, Handel and Jimmy Buffet thanks to Sheryl! We must get Voice of America so we can find out what's happening in the world. Oops the bananas just went flying off their assigned perch and an artichoke is rolling across the floor. We are using the Monitor wind vane. Poor Will (some sailing apparatus) has been made redundant because Monty (must be another sailing thing) works for free - no electricity (I don’t know). I, Sheryl (the daughter), usually add in the ( ) to add explanation for some of you, or what I don't understand from my mom's posts. I will post photos later, hopefully, but my computer got a tad bit wet and didnt't want to start tonight. So hopefully in the next few days, it works, and I will post the pictures of their departure sent by their friends. I did post some photos already on facebook. I have now posted 3 pictures here. To see the rest of the pictures, click on the read more button.

Location 30 27.84' N, 120 11.08' W (I tried to use the location function, but the blog feature falsely reports that they are in Canada--on land.)  

Our friends who wished us on our way

The goodbye committee

Motoring out of the marina


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